AAA SHE LOOKS AWESOMEE, I'm always happy to see Surge art :]
AAA SHE LOOKS AWESOMEE, I'm always happy to see Surge art :]
YEE I LIKE IT!! The pixelized works really well with your art style! :D
It's so CUUUTE!!! O<O I love how flowy and wavy the hair is!
Thanks pal!
It took a bit to position the hair & tails correctly, but I'm glad it came out okay. :3
Eyebags for days u_u
I really like the pose and all the effort you put into the hair detail, it's really good!
He's got the insomnia. ;w;
Thank ya btw! I really try my best with tweaking my fursonas hair design to better match his ever-changing designs, so when it gets all... mushed together, as you can clearly see, I tend to do all I can with the little space I have. The pose was something else too, cause I've been practicing with anatomy, and it's coming along rough, but I'm getting there. :3
HECK YEEEAAA I randomly found your art here xD
I love your art style so much!! I read the first chapter of your comic back during the artfight month when I almost attacked you (soon) and it was so good, the amount of detail you put into the textures and gore blows my mind!
I was really happy when you followed my twitter a few weeks ago, I just didn't say anything because I'm shy u_u
(fun fact, Mildew inspired me to create my own frog character)
I love how you shade your art, it's really frickin cool!!
SO cuutee!! I love the colors you used in this so much!!
A 25 year old portuguese shrimp artist trying to promote his ocs!
I also do fanart sometimes.
↓ Check out my characters here! ↓
Joined on 8/29/24